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As a choreographer, creating in Argentina "XSmall" (quintet) at the La Riera theater (Buenos Aires) and in Spain "SoloT" Galician choreographic center for dance on the street.
Currently developing as a creator in Barcelona creating "Kokoro" which has been represented in different places in Spain and Argentina. Winner of the first prize awarded by the "Villa-Real Festival in Dansa". Later creating "Trieb" "which was co-produced and presented at the main theater of Vila Real and Barcelona.


Contemporary dance 


​A woman with her gaze placed outside creates a personality that melts and becomes her identity.

The journey begins when she emerges from the fog of not knowing, with a path made by two hands, where the ups and downs of her life lead her to a single exit to face and discover herself in order to escape the idea of survival and begin the path of living.

Kokoro is a reflection on the ability to perceive our environment and the modification it can exert on us, as if we were a photosensitive paper capable of absorbing not only the light that surrounds us but everything else, thus reproducing images that represent and shape our true or false identity.

Direction and Choreographic/ Antonella Sampieri Adi/Performance: Antonella Sampieri Adi/Musical Composition: Pau Robert/Lighting: Guido Sarli


Contemporary dance 



The Freudian drive never finds permanent satisfaction, forcing us to move constantly.
In a desolate space a road to an uncertain destination is built. When there seems to be no hope, the drive to life opens new scenarios. We travel with the protagonists, the darker paths of their intimacy and alter egos, to share and discover to what extent the dynamics generated by the instinct are real or imaginary, others or their own.


​Choreographic Direction/Antonella Sampieri Adi/Performers:Valentina Pédica,Antonella Sampieri Adi/Musical composition: Pau Robert/Scenography-Costumes: Aina Alegre/Lighting: Ganecha Gil/Production:Eddie Pezzopane
Produced and supported by the main theater of Villa Real and Centro Cívico La Barceloneta.


Contemporary dance /Performance

Captura de pantalla 2013-09-29 a la(s) 1

A new way of cooking! The art of living in your kitchen! Easy and simple recipe for the current woman, you cannot miss it!

Tune into Punkcake, a program only for winners.

Direction Choreography :Antonella Sampieri Adi / Martina Barjacoba.

Performers: Antonella Sampieri Adi / Martina Barjacoba

Created in Brussels in 2013.



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